Early advice made all the difference

Margaret was 21 when she married Graham. She was working as a sales assistant in a large department store when they decided to start a family. As her pregnancy advanced Margaret gave up work and Graham, a warehouse fork-lift driver, took a second job to make up the shortfall in their income. He was a hard worker and fast learner which prompted his boss to promote Graham to Warehouse Manager a few months later. In the years after their first son was born, two more babies arrived – another boy and a girl. Once the children were settled at school, Margaret returned to part-time work. Soon after they’d married, Graham engaged David a financial planner to structure an insurance and savings strategy. With David’s ongoing guidance, the young couple was able to afford annual holidays, private school fees and put aside cash for unexpected events. Years passed and the children grew up and left home. Graham was now a partner in the warehousing business and earning a good income. So when Margaret turned 50, she decided to take early retirement. They were living comfortably on Graham’s salary when he suffered a heart-attack. He was rushed to hospital but died shortly … Continue reading Early advice made all the difference