Superannuation Advice

Access a wealth of experience and knowledge
from our award winning team.
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Is you’re superannuation on track? Do you want to see if a SMSF may be a realistic option for you? Life is under no obligation to give us what we expect! If you’re just hoping that your superannuation is on track, you may be in for a shock.
Regular strategic reviews of your superannuation fund and finances help to increase the probability of achieving your retirement goals.

Leenane Templeton provides specialist advice on superannuation and are national award winners and accredited specialists in Self-managed Super Funds (SMSFs). Our team has extensive experience and knowledge in all aspects of superannuation fund.

Whilst we have a specialist SMSF team, we also recognise that a SMSF is not always the best tool to achieve your retirement goals. Our superannuation advisors will help to review your current situation, make sure you’re on track or look at other opportunities available to you.

Superannuation fund is a tax-effective saving strategy with:

    • Tax deductions for self employed
    • Employee means tested rebates
    • 15% taxation on capital gains of superannuation fund earnings
Contact Our Super Team Today
Insurance Inside Superannuation

We can help you decide whether your insurance is better inside or outside of your superannuation. Superannuation can hold temporary or permanent disability protection within the fund, which means the premium is paid from pre-tax employer or deductible member contributions.

Transition To Retirement Pension Advice

If you’re over 60 you are still able to have full time, part time, or casual work and gain access to your pension’s tax advantages, including tax-free earning and tax-free pension income. The individual combination of salary and transition to retirement pension will depend upon a number of factors which we can help with.

Protection From Creditors

Most superannuation funds are protected from creditors. Professional superannuation advisors providing superannuation advice and strategy.

Thinking about a self-managed super fund? Have a FREE meeting to see whether a SMSF is right for you.
Call our team at Leenane Templeton today on (02) 4926 2300.