Our Newsletters

Click on the newsletter image to open the PDF.  There are over 100 Newsletters with hundreds of practical articles below.  The most recent at the top. Please note that some older newsletters may have out of date information.

Please subscribe to our email news to receive our monthly newsletters.

Business & Profit Matters July 2024

  • A Business’s Guide To Annual Leave
  • The Super Guarantee Has Increased
  • National Minimum Wage Increase
  • 10 New Financial Year Resolutions For Business
  • 7 Common Misconceptions Held By Businesses At Tax Time
  • Business Diversification – Is It For You?
  • Tackling Your Business Debt In The NFY

And More…

Financially Speaking – Winter Edition

  • Make your tax cut work for you
  • Do I need life insurance once I retire?
  • New diabetes and obesity drugs show promise for patients and investors

Read More

End of Financial Year Strategies 2024

  • Maximising Tax Efficiency: Strategic Considerations By 30 June
  • Increase To Super Guarantee From July 2024
  • Know Your Super: A Critical Guide To The EOFY
  • Your End Of Financial Year Checklist
  • Legal Considerations To Take Into The New Year
  • Streamlining Year-End Business Record-Keeping: A Vital Guide

And More

Tax Matters May24 – Budget Edition

  • 2024-25 Federal Budget Announcements
  • Key Changes To Trust Administration To Affect Lodgements
  • The Instant Asset Write-Off Re-Explained
  • A Guide To Land Tax Across The States
  • Take The Time To Get Your Tax Return Right
  • Warnings For Deductions Claimed On Rental Properties
  • Minding The Gap: Paid Parental Leave & Superannuation

And More…

Business & Profit Matters April 2024

  • Be Aware: Changes To PAYG From 1 July
  • What Is Business Stress Testing?
  • Closing The Loopholes Acts: The Amendments To Workplace Law You Need To Know
  • Overcoming Invoice Defaulting: A Battle for Business Cash Flow
  • Business Branding: Merchandising Options You Could Tap Into

And More…

Financially Speaking – Autumn Edition

  • Upsize super with downsizer contributions
  • Rebalancing – what it is, why it matters
  • Bigger bonus for working pensioners is now permanent
  • Finding joy in unusual places

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Wealth & Super Matters Autumn 24

  • Property Owners – A Warning About Bond Money
  • Why Is Good Record-keeping Important For Your SMSF?
  • What Is Compassionate Release of Super?
  • Safeguarding Your Digital Assets In The Digital Age
  • Protecting Yourself During Life Transitions: Divorce,
  • Retirement, and Inheritance
  • Strategies For Coping With Mortgage Stress

Read More

business and tax finance news 2024
Tax Matters Feb 2024

  • A Client-To-Agent Nomination Process Reminder
  • Why You Should Lodge An FBT Return Every Year
  • Stage 3 Tax Cuts – The Latest Rundown & What To Expect
  • R&D Claims, Watch Out -The ATO Eyes deductions
  • Common Business Mistakes Before Tax Time
  • A Brief Guide To Depreciating Assets

And More…

Wealth & Super Matters

  • Beware Of Illegal Early Access Schemes
  • Client-Agent Linking For SMSFs
  • What To Do If Your Super Fund Is Underperforming
  • Don’t Forget To Lodge Your SAR
  • Dictionaries Beware! Defining The Objective Of Superannuation
  • Understanding & Avoiding Prohibited SMSF Loans

Read More

Financially Speaking – Spring Edition

  • Pay down mortgage or boost super – which is best?
  • La Nina to El Niño: How your investments may be impacted
  • Four Lessons From Australia’s High Net Worth Investors
  • Financial wellbeing and rising cost of living
  • The board game renaissance

Read More

End Of Year Update 2023

  • Carry Forward Contributions Planning
  • Parties & Gifts – How Does FBT Work At The End Of The Year?
  • The Tax-Deductible Cost Of Giving
  • Important Tax-Related Reminders For Holiday Homes
  • Preventing HR Nightmares At End Of Year Events

And More…

Tax Matters November 2023

  • GST & Your Business
  • Your Tax Checklist For The New Year
  • What’s Claimable On A Work Trip?
  • Changes To Nominating Your Tax Agent
  • The Difference Between the LAFHA & A Travel Allowance
  • The New Reporting Regime For The Share Economy
  • Avoid Post- Party Tax Hangovers – The Complexities Of FBT

And More…

Business & Profit Matters October 2023

  • Feeling The Need To Restructure?
  • Providing A Holiday Bonus This Year?
  • Signs You May Have The Wrong Business Structure
  • What Records Do You Need To Keep For Employees?
  • Annual Cash Flow Fluctuations Can Be Explained…

And More…

Wealth & Super Matters

  • Catching Up On Carry Forward Contributions
  • Retiring With An Investment Property? When Should You Sell?
  • A 15-Year Outlook On Retirement Planning
  • Self-Employed Superannuation Tips
  • What To Watch For: Insurance Premiums
  • What Can Boost Your Super?
  • What Is Lifestyle Inflation?

Read More

Financially Speaking – Spring Edition

  • Greater super contribution opportunities
  • Keys to long-term wealth creation
  • Minimum pension payments return to normal
  • Beyond Bricks – companies powering organisational design
  • Power-hungry AI a watch-out for equity investors
  • Protect your personal information

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Tax Matters August 2023

  • When Is Self-Education Tax-Deductible?
  • Private & Domestic Expenses: Childcare
  • No Refund This Year? Here’s Why
  • When Are You A Tax Resident?
  • Before Lodging A Return…
  • Tax Of Second Hand Depreciating Assets
  • Employees Versus Volunteers Tax

And More…

Business & Profit Matters August 2023

  • Business Obligations In The New Year
  • Pivot, Persevere Or Perish?
  • Common Legal Issues For Small Businesses
  • Changes To Flexible Work-From Home Arrangements
  • What Does Professional Services Income Mean

And More…

Wealth & Super Matters

  • Changes Are Coming For First Home Buyers
  • Can AI Assist With Your Money Management?
  • Credit Cards In A Cost Of Living Crisis
  • Are You In A Mortgage Prison?
  • New Pension Thresholds From 1 July 2023
  • Your Super Checklist For EOFY
  • Investment Property Loan Interest As A Tax Deduction?

Read More

Financially Speaking – Winter Edition

  • Government’s proposed changes to the
    taxation of super
  • When markets twist and turn, flex your fixed
  • Want to fight climate change? New research details which actions have the most impact
  • Top-ranked countries to grow old in

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End of Financial Year Strategies 2023

  • Business EOFY Checklist
  • No More Shortcuts For WFH Deductions
  • The Clock’s Ticking On Some Tax Deductions
  • Don’t Forget To Do These Critical Things For Super!
  • Why Should You Start Your Pension On The 1st July 2023?

And More

Tax Matters Budget Edition

  • 2023-24 Federal Budget Announcements
  • This Year’s Tax Return Looks Different: Why?
  • Are You Paying Your Fair Share of Tax?
  • Superannuation & The Budget: What’s New
  • Overclaiming Holiday Home Deductions
  • Small Business Energy Incentive
  • Using Holding Companies To Avoid Tax

And More…

Business & Profit Matters May 2023

  • ESSTs – The ATO Eyes Wrongdoers
  • Getting Fuel Tax Credits Right
  • Accessing Small Business Tax Concessions
  • 5 Record-Keeping Questions We’re Often Asked

And More…

Financially Speaking – Autumn Edition

  • Macro Perspectives: Recession, inflation and duration consideration
  • A Will isn’t always the only way
  • Centrelink assistance for working age pensioners
  • What is the value of life insurance?

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Newcastle financial accountants for wealth and superannuation
Wealth & Super Matters

  • Age Lowered For Downsizer Contributions
  • Are You Suffering From Mortgage Stress
  • SMSF Investment Strategies
  • How Does Debt Affect Your Borrowing Ability?
  • What Happens To Super During Bankruptcy?
  • Personal Insolvency Agreements

Read More

Tax Matters March 2023

  • Warning Signs of a Tax Scam
  • The A To Z Of Why Paying Tax Is Important
  • How Do You Use Cryptocurrency?
  • Tax Treatment Of Common Fringe Benefits In A Business
  • Offsetting Business Losses For The Current Year

And More…

Business & Profit Matters Feb 2023

  • What Do You Need To Know About The Industrial Relations Reforms?
  • 7 Accounting Resolutions For Your Business In 2023
  • Mental Well-being Tips For Employers To Take Into 2023
  • Avoid Becoming Prey To Predatory Lending

And More…

Past newsletters – Pre 2023

Please be aware that some content may be out of date and should not be acted upon without consulting your relevant advisor.

Wealth & Super Matters

  • Can I Buy A Car In My SMSF
  • Work Bonus Increased Balance Extended For
    Age Pension Recipients
  • NDIS Housing & Superannuation
  • Could Winning The Lottery Affect Your Pension?

Read More

Financially Speaking – Summer Edition

  • Three decades, zero emissions: The future of decarbonisation
  • When the falling AUD can benefit your investment portfolio
  • Cyber security

Read More

End Of Year Update – December 2022

  • October 2022 Federal Budget Announcements
  • FBT During The Holiday Season
  • FBT Gift Lists For Your Employees
  • Liability During Work Events
  • Charitable Donations – Tax
  • Superannuation as a Christmas gift?

Read More

Tax Matters Spring 2022

  • 2022-2023 Federal Budget: Tax Announcements
  • Why Do I Have To Fill Out A Tax Return For My Deceased Loved One?
  •  End Of Year Workplace Events & Their Tax Deductibility
  • End Of The Lamington (LMITO)
  • PAYG Withholding Or PAYG Instalments?
  • What To Do If You Lose Your Tax File Number

And More…

Business & Profit Matters Spring 22

  • Consequences of Not Having A DIN When Setting Up A Company
  • BAS What Do We Need From You?
  • Electric Vehicle Modelling For Your Business
  • OHS Requirements When Staff Work
    From Home
  • Privacy Of Your Client’s Information In The Wake Of The Optus Data Breach

And More…

Financially Speaking – Spring Edition

  • Living the good life
  • Will you be able to live the retirement lifestyle
    you want to?
  • The case for a balanced portfolio

Read More

Wealth & Super Matters

  • Defined Benefit Fund & Pensions: FAQ
  • NSW’s Stamp Duty Decision Could Pave
    The Way For Other States
  • The Work Test Abolishment
  • Is Switching Your Home Loan The Way To Go?

Read More

Tax Matters 2022

  • Deductions Landlords Should Be Wary Of
  • What If The Tax Office Gets It Wrong?
  • How Do I Know I’m A Tax Resident Of
  • What Is The Tax Treatment On Insurance
    Payments From Natural Disasters?
  • Does Having Two Jobs Mean More Tax Is Paid?

And More…

Business & Profit Matters Winter 22

  • Wage Theft: Financial Crime Or Payroll Mistake?
  • How Could Your Business Handle Mounting Costs As Interest Rates Rise?
  • What’s New This Financial Year For Superannuation & Your Business?
  • Company Tax Returns

And More…

Wealth & Super Matters

  • Super Guarantee Increasing To 10.5%
  • Is Property A Risk-Free Asset?
  • Is It Better To Buy The Cheaper Insurance Policy
  • What Are NFTs?
  • How Might A Trust Cause An Issue For A Parent Going For The Age Pensions?

Read More

Financially Speaking – Winter Edition

  • Economic Outlook
  • Consider making a (larger) personal deductible contribution before 30 June
  • The power of positive thinking
  •  Investment or speculation – where does cryptocurrency fit?
  • Your Super – who to nominate as your beneficiary?
  • The true value of advice

Read More

End of Financial Year Strategies

    • FBT For Your Business
    • Last Chance To Apply As COVID-19 Tax Deductions Deadline Approaches…
    • Trust Planning This Year Needs To Be Done Carefully
    • Preparing For Your Rental Property’s Tax Deductions

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Business & Profit Matters Autumn 22

  • The Tax-Free Windfall From Selling Your Business
  • Have You Hired An Employee Or A Contractor?
  • Skills & Training Boosts Emerging From Recent Budget Announcements
  • Commercial Debt Forgiveness Update From The ATO
  • And More…
Financially Speaking – Autumn Edition

  • Economic Outlook
  • Three reminders for the new (FBT) year
  • Pension Loan Scheme replaced by the Home Equity Access Scheme
  • Inflation: what does it mean for me and my money?
  • There’s an app for that
  • Making it a habit

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Business & Profit Matters 2022

  • Cybersafety & E-Invoicing
  • Revenue Boosting Tips For Your Business
  • SME Recovery Loan Scheme expanded Under New Rules
  • Purchasing A Car For The Business

Read More

End Of Year Update – December 2021

  • Changing Jobs? Be Careful Of The
    Tax Sting
  • And Some FBT Under The Pear Tree
  • Put Your Holiday Money Towards
    Your Super This Year
  • Preparing Your Tax For The Holidays

Read More

Financially Speaking – Summer Edition

  • Economic Outlook
  • How do interest rates affect stock markets?
  • Financial tips that anyone can use
  • It’s our business to know your business
  • 5 things you and your partner should know about super
  • Managing the financial impacts of a mid-life crisis

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Business Matters – November 2021

  • Restructuring Your Business Due To
  • Insuring Your Business Against Time Theft
  • E-Invoicing For Your Business
  • Delivery As A Small Business During

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Financially Speaking – Spring Edition 2021

  • Lessons from Covid-19
  • The quest for secure retirement income
  • How to avoid the biggest investment mistakes
  • How Aussie investors helped find a home
  • Retirement Plans interrupted

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Business Matters – July/August

  • New COVID-19 Support Payments For Workers
  • Managing Employees Working From Home
  • Worker Shortage To Drive Potential Wage Increase
  • Superannuation Guarantee Rate Increase

Read More

Financially Speaking – Winter Edition

  • Economic Outlook
  • Nurturing your nest egg
  • How to help your parents
  • Retirees fears and expectations
  • Fixed Income: 10 things you should know
  • Investing with confidence

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Tax Matters – BUDGET EDITION 2021-22

  • A Continued Win for Small Business
  • Tax Measures
  • Superannuation Changes
  • Continuing the SME Recovery Loan Scheme
  • JobKeeper Overpayments
  • Family Assistance Payments

Read More

Business Matters Autumn 21

    • JobKeeper Hiring Credit Scheme
    • Jobkeeper is over – Where to from here?
    • New Director Identification Regime
    • Fringe Benefits Tax Time
    • The Importance of Business Planning?
    • Contractor Agreements

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Profit Matters Autumn 21

  • How can you support your employee’s mental health as a team leader
  • Avoiding vicarious liability in the workplace
  • Why businesses should care about seasonal changes
  • Planning and Managing Your Finances Post-COVID-19
  • And More…
Financially Speaking – Autumn Edition

  • Economic Outlook
  • What financial mistakes have you made? Could they have been avoided?
  • Three trends driving real estate investments in a post-pandemic world?
  • Cyber Security
  • Do you need to review your insurance?
  • 8 sustainable investing terms to know

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Tax Matters – 2021

  • When can a business cease STP reporting?
  • Which legal expenses are tax deductible for businesses?
  • Correcting a mistake on your tax returns
  • Investing overseas

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Business Matters – Q1 2021

    • Valuing innovation in business
    • Elements of a Business Plan
    • Building a team for success
    • Implementing sustainable business practices
    • Digital record-keeping
    • And more

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2021 Business News Newcastle
Profit Matters – Summer 2020

  • Ways to improve cash flow
  • Making the most of your profit
  • Asset protection for business owners
  • How to grow your small business
  • Hiring the right person

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Financially Speaking – Summer Edition

  • Economic Outlook
  • Recovery watch: When will growth return?
  • Which are you – a saver or investor?
  • How younger members can make the most of market volatility
  • The real benefit to retirees of financial advice
  • Big Tech’s market might in 5 charts

Read More

End of Year Update

    • End of year checklist
    • COVID Safe Christmas parties
    • FBT and gifts for employees
    • Hiring workers for holiday season
    • Tasks to complete by end of year
    • Creating a budget for the new year

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Business Matters – Q4 2020

    • Developing seasonal pricing strategies
    • Insolvency reforms to support small business
    • Organisational culture
    • Upscale your business
    • What business structure suits your business
    • Partnership Pros and cons

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  • Correctly using the margin scheme
  • Lower taxes for businesses and individuals
  • Insolvency reforms to support small business
  • Upskilling Australia
  • Changes to the super system
  • Tax payable on super death benefits

Read More

Profit Matters – Spring 2020

  • The critical steps to a successful partnership
  • Evaluating the risks of business
  • How to avoid hiring the wrong person
  • Growing your business with referrals
  • Readapting to working from the office

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Financially Speaking – Spring Edition

  • Economic Outlook
  • The Cycle of investor emotions
  • How to invest in the things you believe in
  • Strategies for long term investments
  • Investment options in retirement explained

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Tax Matters – Spring 2020

  • Division 7A & private loans
  • Adjusting GST liability on your BAS
  • Changes to business practices TPAR
  • CGT rollover when when transferring assets in a divorce

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Business Matters – Q3 2020

    • What to do when you can’t pay your tax on time
    • ATO increases car expense deduction rate
    • How COVID-19 may affect your tax return
    • How to market your business for free
    • Managing employee morale through
      company change

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Profit Matters – Winter 2020

  • Keeping your business afloat during an economic downturn
  • Conducting your business’ health-check
  • How to improve your SEO ranking
  • Negotiating contracts with your suppliers
  • Communicating effectively with your
    remote team
  • And More

Read More

Financially Speaking – Winter Edition

  • Economic Outlook
  • Staying on track
  • Embracing the fear
  • Fight the flight
  • How market volatility affects your super
  • Transitioning to retirement

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Tax Matters – Autumn 2020

  • ATO introduces new work from home deduction method
  • Do you need to lodge a Taxable Payments Annual Report?
  • What to know about lodgement date referrals
  • Varying PAYG instalments

Read More

Year End Strategies-  19/20 Tax Guide

    • JobKeeper: what to do now
    • Major changes to instant asset write-off
    • 2020 end of financial year checklist
    • Rent relief for commercial tenants
    • Tax tips for property investors
    • And more

Read More

Business Matters – Q2 2020

    • Increased cash flow support for businesses
    • Cybersecurity when working from home
    • How to raise capital
    • Big banks offer a financial lifeline
    • Government strives to keep business intact
    • What will record low interest rates mean for your business

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Profit Matters – Autumn 2020

  • Managing your staff under COVID-19
  • How to start and grow your business blog
  • Training a new employee
  • Avoiding project failures
  • Business credit card vs small business loan
  • Are you using cash flow forecasting?
  • Lead generation for 2020

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Financially Speaking – Autumn Edition

  • Economic Outlook (Pre Coronavirus impact)
  • How to manage anchoring bias
  • Investment strategies for your future
  • Self -employed? Don’t leave your business at risk
  • What can retires do about longevity risk?

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Tax Matters – Summer 2020

  • Restoring damaged tax records after a natural disaster
  • FBT exemption for emergency assistance
  • Amendment to housing affordability measures introduced
  • Removal of the main residence exemption for non-resident

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Profit Matters – Summer 2019-20

  • Sales strategies for 2020
  • How to best prepare for a business loan
  • What to include in a business partnership agreement
  • Avoiding non-paying clients
  • Negotiating a business deal
  • Find your business niche

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Financially Speaking – Spring 19

  • Economic Outlook
  • Transition to retirement decisions
    are life changing.
  • How to be a human be-ing,
    not a human do-ing
  • Protecting your super – further changes
  • Using diversification to combat risk
  • And more

Read More

End Of Year Update 2019

    • 2020 vision, planning for the new year
    • Securing your business over the break
    • Hiring working holiday makers
    • Holiday travel and estate planning
    • Don’t burn out before the holidays
    • And More

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Tax Matters – December 2019

  • Using the margin scheme correctly
  • Tax implications of termination payments
  • Limiting tax deductions for holding vacant land
  • Time limit on GST refunds

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Business Matters – Q4 2019

    • Deduction rules for small business
    • New industries included under TPAR
    • Reestablishing lost or damaged records
    • A deed or an agreement
    • Surveillance in the workplace
    • Recognising and avoiding conflicts of interest

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Profit Matters – Spring 2019

    • Making the most of a business slowdown
    • Correctly terminating an employee
    • Short-term vs long-term financing
    • Three types of marketing channels
    • Landing page optimisation
    • How to handle staff resignations

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Financially Speaking – Spring 19

  • Economic Outlook
  • Are you an investor or speculator?
  • Why investing for retirement is different
  • Your biggest investing problem may be you
  • Impossible Whoppers and impossible valuations
  • And more

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Tax Matters – Sept 2019

  • Restructure rollover for small businesses
  • Disclosing personal living expenses
  • Single Touch Payroll (STP) exemption
  • Disclosing personal living expenses
  • Personal tax cuts now law
  • And more.

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Business Matters – Aug 2019

  • Small business income tax offset
  • Home based business tax deductions
  • Introducing MyGovID and RAM
  • The legal obligations of marketing
  • The art of effective negotiation
  • And more.

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Profit Matters – Winter 2019

  • Handing over your business to family
  • Making your small business bigger
  • Choosing the right business location
  • Improving your employees’ wellbeing
  • And more.

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Financial News NSW
Financially Speaking – Autumn 19

  • Economic Outlook
  • The financial power of women
  • Tax tips and tax return tips
  • The private equity opportunity
  • Will you be comfortable with comfortable.
  • And more

Read More

Year End Strategies
Year End Strategies – 2018/19

  • 2019 end of financial year checklist
  • Essential record keeping for year-end
  • Tax tips for property investors
  • Getting PAYG withholding right
  • Tax tips for property investors

And More

Business advice in Newcastle NSW
Business Matters – Q2 2019

  • FBT and how it attracts the ATO
  • ATO increases fuel tax credit rates
  • Taking advantage of cashless business
  • Positive business culture
  • Remote workers and how they can help
  • The debtors days method

And More

Financial news update
Financially Speaking – Autumn 19

  • Economic Outlook
  • Understanding elder financial abuse
  • Unhealthy attachments
  • 5 reasons to consider a lifetime annuity
  • 4 tips for boosting your super
  • And more

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Tax advice and news
Tax Matters – Budget Edition

  • A business growth based Budget
  • Supporting the vulnerable
  • Job skills to better tomorrow
  • Changes to PAYG withholding obligations
  • How property investors can get more back
  • Say goodbye to AUSKey

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Profit business advice
Profit Matters – Autumn 2019

  • Increasing employee engagement
  • Impacts of your office environment
  • Benefits of podcasting
  • Code of conduct for your business
  • Responding to customer feedback

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Business Matters – Feb 2019

  • Make 2019 your best year ever
  • Common FBT errors employers make
  • Supporting a grieving employee
  • Are your business practices ethical?
  • Proposed changes to Div 7A
  • Cash flow tips

And More

Financially Speaking – January 2019

  • Economic Outlook
  • Living longer, living smarter
  • How an ETF can help your SMSF portfolio
  • The automotive sector in turbulent change
  • Life insurance implications

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Tax Business News
Tax Matters – March 2019

  • Tax implications for resettlement of trust
  • Instant asset write-off to be increased
  • Scam warning from ATO
  • Tax traps the ATO is watching

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Profit Matters – January 2019

  • Build stronger business relationships
  • A guide to recruiting cultural fit
  • How to find your target market
  • Living up to your potential
  • How to reinvent your business
  • And More
2019 Business advice for End of Year
End of Year Update – 2018

  • Planning for the holiday rush
  • Staff safety at Christmas parties
  • System overhauls for secure data
  • Government bans ESST
  • Extra conditions for CGT concessions
  • Christmas employee rewards
  • And More
Newcastle Business Advice News 2019
Business Matters – Q4 2018

  • Preparing your BAS
  • Seasonal Pricing Strategy
  • ATO expands TPAR criteria
  • Small business delivery tips
  • And More
Tax News
Tax Matters – Dec 2018

  • Single Touch Payroll
  • ATO’s new guidelines for FBT on vehicles
  • ATO phone scam alert
  • Government fast-tracks SME tax cuts
  • And More
Profit Matters – Spring 2018

  • Closing a sale
  • Data cleaning for successful marketing
  • Make business goals a reality
  • Correctly terminating an employee
  • Creating a successful start up
  • Read more
Financially Speaking -Spring 2018

  • Economic outlook
  • More benchmarks in the world than stocks
  • Cycle of market emotions
  • Redefining risk for income investors
  • Crowd funding
  • Read more
Business Matters Q3 2018

  • Hiring for cultural fit
  • Dealing with conflicts of interest
  • Creating an agile workplace
  • Should I enter a partnership
  • And more
Tax Matters 28 –  2018

  • Changes to GST at settlement forms
  • Claiming the $20,000 instant asset write-off
  • Target amendments to Division 7A
  • How are super death benefits taxed?
  • Read more
Business News Newcastle NSW
Profit Matters Winter 2018

  • Understanding your management style
  • Nailing your content marketing strategy
  • Preventing burnout in your workplace
  • Batching your tasks
  • And more
Financially Speaking Winter 2018

  • Economic Outlook
  • Big Data is fuelling the AI revolution
  • Earning money from the sharing economy
  • How to help ensure your super contributions don’t exceed the caps
  • Lessons from the market
  • And more
Business Matters – Q 2 – 2018

  • Harassment in light of #MeToo
  • ACCC announces 2018 priorities
  • Defining business values
  • Year end mistakes
  • And more
Profit Matters – Autumn 18

  • Staying ahead of the game in 2018
  • Building awesome business relationships
  • Goal-setting for your business
  • Leading change and driving profits
  • Hiring the right staff
  • And more
Year End Strategies

  • Tax time for investment property
  • Deadline approaching for CGT relief
  • Preparing for Single Touch Payroll
  • Year End 2018 checklist
  • Preparing for year end
  • And more
Financially Speaking Autumn 2018

  • Economic Outlook
  • Can Socially Responsible Investing and good returns coexist?
  • When can I retire?
  • How will the First Home Super Scheme work for SMSFs?
  • Telecoms: The fourth industrial revolution
  • And more
Business Matters 2018

  • Make 2018 your best year ever
  • Don’t get caught at these public holidays
  • Maximising efficiency in your business
  • Boosting employee engagement
  • Evening the playing field
  • And more
End of Year Update 2017

  • End-of-year admin tasks
  • Avoiding the Grinch this Christmas
  • Kickstart your holiday marketing
  • The gift of FBT-free giving
  • Going green in the new year
  • And more …
Profit Matters – Summer

  • Inspiring employees for long-term success
  • Identifying your target market
  • Signs it’s time to sell-up
  • Benefits of cloud computing
  • Optimising in-house communication
  • And more
Financial Advisor Newcastle NSW
Financially Speaking – Spring 2017

  • Market update
  • The new super rules contain some good news
  • Ways to improve your home
  • What do market benchmarks measure?
  • Cover your way of life.
Newcastle Business Accounting
Business Matters, Q4 2017

  • Are you ready to expand your business?
  • Turning negative customer feedback around
  • New ban on excessive payment surcharges
  • Strategies for digital growth
  • And more …
Tax Advisors Newcastle NSW
Tax Matters, Ed 24 – 2017

  • CGT Strategies for your holiday rental
  • Managing your GST Liability
  • Using the $20k instant asset write-off
  • ATO targeting work-related expenses
  • And more …
End of Year Business Strategies 2017
Year End Strategies, 2017

  • 2017 year end tax tips
  • Reducing capital gains tax
  • Staying on top of your records
  • CGT relief provisions for SMSFs
  • Super reforms on the way
  • And more …
Financial News Today
Financially Speaking Winter – 2017

  • Market update
  • APRA’s needle just popped the housing bubble
  • End of Financial Year Strategies
  • Buy/sell agreement to cover your business
  • Lower portfolio volatility? It’s in the bank
  • Choosing a wine like a professional
Small business profit strategies by Newcastle Accounting firm Leenane Templeton
Profit Matters – Spring 2017

  • Habits to kick if you want success
  • Boost your business cash flow
  • Leading change
  • Avoid taking these business shortcuts
  • And more …
Newcastle accountants news
Business Matters, Q3 2017

  • Passing on the family business
  • Improving internal communication
  • Simpler BAS from 1 July
  • Checklist for new workers
  • Changes to workplace laws
  • And more …
Profit ideas for business
Profit Matters, Winter 2017

  • Brushing up on communication
  • Tips for online marketing
  • Making better business decisions
  • Having difficult conversations at work
  • Running a productive business meeting
  • And more …
Financial News April 2017
Financially Speaking Autumn – 2017

  • 2017 market outlook
  • Are you prepared for the new superannuation changes?
  • Resisting temptation
  • Raising financially savvy kids
  • Easing the journey into aged care
Tax Matters 22 Newcastle Accountants
Tax Matters Edition 22 – 2017

  • CGT exemptions for depreciating assets
  • ATO issues ruling on bad debts
  • Simpler BAS for small business
Tax News on the Australian Budget 2017
Budget Edition 23 – 2017

  • Keeping taxpayers honest
  • CGT events affecting shareholders
  • Rates increase for fuel tax credits
  • Building a sustainable lifestyle
  • ATO to report unpaid debts
  • A guide to negative gearing
News for your business in June 2017
Business Matters Q2, 2017

  • Managing morale through change
  • Common traps at tax time
  • ACCC compliance priorities for 2017
  • Changes to penalty rates
  • Managing your GST liability
  • And more …
Business News NSW
Tax Matters Autumn 2017

  • Finding your point of difference
  • Opening a second location
  • Overcoming motivation blocks
  • Why business needs social responsibility
  • And more
Newcastle Business News Jan
Business Matters Q1, 2017

  • New Year’s Resolutions for 2017
  • Tips for improving cash flow
  • New safe harbour for car fringe benefits
  • Preparing for public holidays in 2017
  • Intellectual property law basics
Business Profit News Summer
Profit Matters – Summer ’16

  • Improving your sales pitch
  • How to fuel creativity
  • Investing in employee wellness
  • Tips for using holiday hashtags
  • And more
Financial News 2016
Summer Edition 2016

  • Balancing portfolios in an unbalanced world
  • Learning the (investment) lessons of history
  • Trust your strategic plan but keep some powder dry!
  • What is global listed infrastructure?
  • The case for industrial shares
Leenane Templeton Chartered Accountants Business Matters Newsletters Q4 2016
Business Matters Q4, 2016

  • Investing in business real property
  • New PAYG withholding rates
  • Taking out a chattel mortgage
  • Preparing for your business exit
  • Are you underpaying employees?
Tax Matters Newsletters September 2016
Spring Edition, 2016

  • ATO crackdown on work-related expenses
  • How do franking credits work?
  • Tax tips for property investors
Financial News Front Cover
Spring Edition 2016

  • Beyond Brexit
  • Timing retirement
  • Five big questions for AREIT investors
  • Why having a proper estate plan is so important
  • Changes to the age pension rules – are you ready?
  • How to avoid behavioural investment traps
Profit Matters Spring 2016
Spring Edition, 2016

  • Crafting your promotional mix
  • How to be successful in new situations
  • Boost resilience in the workplace
Business Matters July 16-22
Q3, 2016

  • Finding your target market
  • New high-income threshold
  • Getting your BAS right
  • Calculating fuel tax credits
  • Setting out terms and conditions
  • Eliminating hiring bias
Tax Matters March 2016
Ed18 – 2016

  • ATO crackdown on rental property tax claims
  • Limits for FBT Benefits
  • Cutting tax on share transfers
  • Calculating your property GST
Profit Matters Newsletters
Autumn – 2016

  • Managing online reviews
  • Finding the right culture fit
  • Leverage from LinkedIn
  • Conducting effective meetings
Leenane Templeton Newcastle, Australia
Winter Edition 2016

  • Counting the cost of a curve ball
  • Property and diversified portfolio
  • SMSF borrowing gets the amber light
  • Making sense of the fixed income landscape
  • Time to reconsider emerging markets
  • Getting financially prepared to start a family
Business Matters January 2016 Newcastle
January 2016

  • Cancelling or transferring a business name
  • Selling your business GST-free
  • Meeting your superannuation obligations
  • Making environmental claims
Federal Budget Tax News

  • Industries on the ATO’s radar this year
  • Federal Budget – Superannuation changes
  • ATO to focus on collectables
  • Federal Budget – Individuals
  • Federal Budget – flexible super
  • Tax on gifts and donations
Year End Tax Strategies

  • Surviving the run up to June 30
  • End of financial year: SMSFs
  • Keeping on top of your records
  • Upcoming ATO compliance targets
  • End-of-year superannuation checklist
Financial News Autumn 2016
Autumn Edition 2016

  • Macro risks elevated in 2016
  • The Star Wars’ guide to investing in volatile times
  • Aged care – making an informed decision
  • Give your bonus a boost this year
  • Thinking outside the box – commercial vs residential property
  • Ignore life’s trigger events at your peril
Financially Speaking News
Summer Edition 2015

  • An SMSF trustee decision for the long haul.
  • Why franking credits are important for retirees.
  • Changes to the age pension rules.
  • Make sure your estate ends up in the right hands.
Tax Matters Dec 2015
Edition 17 – 2015

  • Applying for a tax withholding variation.
  • Claiming tax deductions for your website.
  • Tax-deductible overseas trips.
  • Selling your business.
Business Matters Oct 2015
Q4 2015:

  • Surviving the ATO crackdown.
  • Expanding your business overseas.
  • Is a company merger your ideal exit strategy?
  • And more.
Financially Speaking
Financially Speaking – Spring Edition 2015:

  • Why China’s property market matters.
  • Trauma fills the gaps.
  • Insurance through super.
  • Control your retirement income.
  • Are your estate affairs in order.
  • Four tips on what to do with a windfall.
Tax Matters Business Edition 16
Tax Matters – Edition 16 – 2015

Tax strategies for you and your business:

• ATO focuses on rental property deductions

• Training course deductions

• Reducing holiday house CGT

• Work-related expensed on ATO hitlist

Business Matters Quarter 3 2015
Business Matters – Quarter 3 – 2015

Strategies for managing your business:

  • Annual leave overhaul
  • Be careful of automatic renewals in contracts
  • Update on unemployment laws
  • Delivering quality customer service
  • ACCC cracks down on franchises
Year End Financial Strategies 2015
Year End Strategies 2014/15

  • Tax tips for property investors.
  • Surviving the run up to June 30.
  • End of financial year, SMSFs.
  • Keeping on top of your records.
  • Upcoming ATO compliance targets.
  • End-of-year superannuation checklist.
  • And more.
Financially Speaking Winter 2015
Financially Speaking Winter 2015

  • The Investment Hunger Games
  • Getting ahead in your 50s
  • Protect your earnings and reap the tax benefits
  • Is an SMSF right for you?
  • Five steps to consider before entering an aged care home
  • Maximise your opportunities for the end of financial year
  • Do you really have to play big, to win big?
Federal Budget 2015 tax
Federal Budget Tax Update

For You And Your Business

  • Budget focus on stimulating small business
  • Fuel tax credit rate increases
  • R&D and other incentives
  • Property damage considerations for investors
  • Tax shortfall disclosure commended
Financially Speaking News Red
Financially speaking autumn edition 2015

  • Plummeting oil prices and quantitative easing have global
  • Global technology wars
  • Making the most of your retirement income
  • Aged care reforms
  • Covering life’s stages
  • Have you considered Exchange Traded Funds (ETFs)?
  • Demystifying long-short funds
Business Matters Q1 2015
2015 Business Update

Strategies For Managing Your Business

  • Business Resolutions for 2015
  • Managing Your Cash flow
  • Making Sure FBTs are beneficial
  • A guide to CGT
Business Tax Matters Ed 14
2015 Tax Matters

Tax Strategies For You & Your Business

  • Negative Gearing For Property Investors
  • Share Transactions: ATO Digging
  • ATO Targets motor vehicles
  • Minimising Your FBT Bill