Trust Set Up & Advice

Our trust planning experts can manage the trust set up and administration
of your trust to protect your assets and reduce your risk.
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Trust planning

Are you considering a trust or do you have a trust and need help with trust planning, trust advice and efficient administration?

Book an appointment with our team today to discuss the most appropriate structure and trust set up for you. We can also help to protect your financial future with a well crafted estate plan.  Call our team today on (02) 4926 2300 or email 

What’s the ATO definition of “Trust”?

A trust is an obligation imposed on a person – a trustee – to hold property or assets (such as business assets) for the benefit of others. These others are known as beneficiaries.

A trust is a common useful tool for protecting the assets you have, managing income and planning for the future. Trusts are often set up to protect and control family assets in an efficient manner. There are a variety of benefits coming up with this arrangement:

Protection of family assets
Important tax planning role in certain situations
Succession planning – transferring wealth to future generations
Family financial planning
Minimises mismanagement of estates
When beneficiaries are incapacitated, minors or not able to manage the estate.

Trusts need to be properly configured in order to distribute income and manage and minimise tax whilst creating ongoing wealth and asset protection.

Discuss Trusts With Our Team Today
At Leenane Templeton we can assist in many aspects of estate and trust planning, we help to review if a trust is the right tool for your personal situation and provide trust advice and planning throughout the process. We provide tax and asset protection strategies. With our extensive experience we can set-up and administer many types of trusts and ensure that statutory requirements are met.

Services include:

Trust Set Up
Administration of Trust
Trust Tax Returns
Trust Management
Trust Advice
Estate Planning
Income Distribution Advice
Tax & Asset protection structuring
On going financial and business advice

Need help with trusts, call our team of professionals at Leenane Templeton on 02 4926 2300.